“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.”
Seneca (Roman philosopher)
The past few years have thrown many of us for a loop career-wise. The good news is that no matter your employment situation, you can take steps to move your career forward. Here are five time-tested ways to advance your career.

1. Decide what success means to you.
Whether you want to be in a top leadership position, run a nonprofit organization that makes a difference in your community, or be able to spend more time with your family, success means something different to everyone. At the same time, what you think of as success today may change in the future, and that’s ok! Determine what would make you feel accomplished in both the short term and the long term.

2. Make a plan.
Regardless of what your personal vision is for success, you need a plan to reach your goals. Creating a roadmap for your career advancement is a great place to start. Love the company you work for and want to climb the corporate ladder? Talk to your manager – many larger companies have guidelines for specific career trajectories that they will share with you. Unhappy with your current job and ready to make an exit plan? You may want to go back to school and earn a degree or certificate. Interested in starting your own business? Check out local organizations like Kingsport Office of Small Business Development & Entrepreneurship
(KOSBE), which offers free business counseling services to businesses and entrepreneurs as well as on-demand, in-person, and virtual training on a variety of topics.

3. Cultivate your network.
Often, new opportunities pop up simply from creating and growing a strong network of likeminded individuals in your field and across industries. Make the most of LinkedIn by connecting with professionals you know and those you want to know. Join and participate in the local chapter of PEAK Young Professionals or Junior League of Kingsport. PEAK (Professionals Engaged in Advancing Kingsport) is a leadership program within the Kingsport Chamber Foundation for young professionals ages 21-40. The group’s mission is to attract, develop, and retain Kingsport’s young professionals through personal and professional networking, volunteering in the community, professional development opportunities, and recognizing local talent. The Junior League of Kingsport works within our community to help women, children, and families through community service projects focused on healthy eating, classroom education, literacy, and school readiness. Leadership Kingsport is another great way to network and build leadership skills; while members for 2023 have already been selected, it’s never too early to start getting your application ready for 2024.

4. Gain new skills.
Participating in on-the-job training or taking professional development classes, either through your employer or on your own, can be incredibly helpful. Thousands of courses are available online; and locally, many courses are available through the Kingsport Center for Higher Education (KCHE) in downtown Kingsport. Both East Tennessee State University and Northeast State Community College offer classes at the KCHE. Students can take core and prerequisite classes toward earning a certificate, an associate degree, or higher. Alongside the KCHE, Northeast State offers classes downtown in the Regional Center for Health Professions (RCHP), which houses Northeast State’s health program courses, the Regional Center for Advanced Manufacturing (RCAM), which offers technical courses leading to certificates and associate degrees as well as industrial training and apprenticeships, and the Pal Barger Regional Center for Automotive Programs, where students can learn the skills needed to work in the auto body industry.

5. Find a mentor.
Having a mentor means meeting regularly with someone (usually in a position or two higher than you) who can answer your questions about how to advance in your career, help you identify any skills gaps you may have, etc. Your mentor can be a current or former supervisor, an acquaintance from college, or even a family friend. The important thing is that you identify your goals and obtain a mentor who is in a position to help you achieve them. If you already know the person you want to be your mentor, simply ask if they would be willing to help you out. If it’s someone you have never met, ask a mutual colleague or friend to introduce you first.
Discover a new level of success in your career!