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“One Sky: Finding Patterns”

March 15 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


This program is the second of two programs featuring short stories that represent the perspective of a different culture or indigenous society from around the globe. In this second part, we present four stories from different parts of the world centered around the theme of “Finding Patterns.”

Each story focuses on the part of the sky around the constellation Orion, visible around the world and a visual benchmark for cultures globally.

The Forge of Artemis

In ancient Greece, Orion was a mighty, though not particularly popular, hunter. His constellation shines brightly—a familiar shape to people around the world. Why did the goddess Artemis immortalize him in the sky?

Celestial Canoe

The First People of what is now northern Canada watched the slow turn of a canoe in the sky—mirroring the change in seasons on land. This celestial canoe guided them through a particularly challenging part of the year.

The Samurai and the Stars

For many, the stars offer solace and comfort. For our Japanese narrator, images in the sky—even the colors of the stars—bring back memories of music, history and childhood.


Hear from a Hawaiian navigator as she describes how the sky provides a compass and calendar for the oceanic people whose voyages connected islands throughout the Pacific Ocean.

This program also includes a brief tour of the current night sky.

Show length ~40 min.



March 15
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
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Bays Mountain Park
853 Bays Mountain Park Road
Kingsport, TN 37660 United States
(423) 229-9447
View Venue Website


A calendar has been created called the This is Kingsport events calendar which will serve as a non-public forum to provide citizens with information about social and organizational gatherings held within the city. The city will disseminate information to the public through this online calendar about social and organizational gatherings which are conducted or promoted by community partners with which the city currently has partnership agreements. Additionally, social or organizational gatherings held on city owned property to which the public at large is invited will be published on this calendar.

Each year the city enters into partnership agreements with multiple community partners some of whom in turn support the city by organizing events or promoting events of members and affiliates. By creating a common source for the dissemination of information about community events the city will be furthering its support of those community partners which in turn support the city. Moreover, the city wishes to and will benefit from highlighting gatherings which will be of benefit and enjoyment to the public.

Community partners may communicate their events or those which they promote to the city which will disseminate the information through the event calendar. Furthermore, the city of Kingsport will publish on the calendar those community events which are held on city property. In order to achieve the city’s goals only those events described herein will be published on the This is Kingsport event calendar which will be curated by city staff.