If you’ve never been to one of Kingsport’s “glow” events, then you don’t know what you’re missing.
Picture this – all of the lights in an auditorium are turned off, black lights are turned on and a DJ is blasting some rockin’ music. Everyone inside is dressed in neon or white clothes, running around playing a game of dodgeball or volleyball with a glow-in-the- dark ball.
It can be quite an experience.
“People love it,” said Program Administrator Travis Sensabaugh. “As soon as the lights go out and you actually see how much things glow. It’s definitely a big attraction for us.”
Kingsport’s Parks and Recreation Department has hosted “glow” events for more than five years, everything from volleyball to dodgeball, kickball and pickleball, basketball and NERF blasters. Program Administrator Renee Ensor was the originator of the glow series in Kingsport and helps Sensabaugh brainstorm ideas for future events.
Two ideas floating around in the department right now are a “glow” fort building contest and a “glow” foam party.
“If we can glow it up, then we’re going to give it a try,” Sensabaugh said. “Black lights have been around forever, but I don’t think a lot of kids today had an opportunity to see them in action, especially in a large setting with a lot of kids.”
Kingsport attempts to have a “glow” event about every two to three months. During the summer there’s fewer events because most everyone is outside enjoying the weather, but in the colder months the glow events thrive.
Depending on the event, anywhere from 20 to 40 people will show up to participate.
“We see the same people at the events, but they’re always bringing someone new or someone new just shows up,” Sensabaugh said. “Any time I see someone new, I make it a point of asking them how they heard about the event.”
Glow events are here to stay in Kingsport and are definitely worth your time to check out.
If you have any ideas for “glow” events, feel free to contact Sensabaugh at 423-343-9723 or by email to travissensabaugh@kingsporttn.gov.
If you’ve never been to one of Kingsport’s “glow” events, then you don’t know what you’re missing.
Picture this – all of the lights in an auditorium are turned off, black lights are turned on and a DJ is blasting some rockin’ music. Everyone inside is dressed in neon or white clothes, running around playing a game of dodgeball or volleyball with a glow-in-the- dark ball.
It can be quite an experience.
“People love it,” said Program Administrator Travis Sensabaugh. “As soon as the lights go out and you actually see how much things glow. It’s definitely a big attraction for us.”
Kingsport’s Parks and Recreation Department has hosted “glow” events for more than five years, everything from volleyball to dodgeball, kickball and pickleball, basketball and NERF blasters. Program Administrator Renee Ensor was the originator of the glow series in Kingsport and helps Sensabaugh brainstorm ideas for future events.
Two ideas floating around in the department right now are a “glow” fort building contest and a “glow” foam party.
“If we can glow it up, then we’re going to give it a try,” Sensabaugh said. “Black lights have been around forever, but I don’t think a lot of kids today had an opportunity to see them in action, especially in a large setting with a lot of kids.”
Kingsport attempts to have a “glow” event about every two to three months. During the summer there’s fewer events because most everyone is outside enjoying the weather, but in the colder months the glow events thrive.
Depending on the event, anywhere from 20 to 40 people will show up to participate.
“We see the same people at the events, but they’re always bringing someone new or someone new just shows up,” Sensabaugh said. “Any time I see someone new, I make it a point of asking them how they heard about the event.”
Glow events are here to stay in Kingsport and are definitely worth your time to check out.
If you have any ideas for “glow” events, feel free to contact Sensabaugh at 423-343-9723 or by email to travissensabaugh@kingsporttn.gov.