<h2>Frequently Asked Questions</h2>
<p>Any questions? Here are the answers to some of the frequently asked questions about services provided to the residents of Kingsport.</p>
<a href="">Kingsport Fast Facts</a>
<p><strong>Population:</strong> 54,076<br /><strong>Climate:</strong> Summers are long, warm, and humid; the winters are short, cold, and wet; and it is partly cloudy year round. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from <em>28°F</em> to <em>86°F</em> and is rarely below <em>14°F</em> or above <em>92°F</em>.</p>
<a href="">What is Kingsport known for?</a>
<ul><li>Dobyns Bennett High School’s award-winning band program</li><li>Eastman Chemical headquarters</li><li>Home of the Long Island Iced Tea</li></ul>
<a href="">How do I establish water and sewer service in Kingsport?</a>
<p><a href="https://www.kingsporttn.gov/city-services/customer-service/watersewer/">https://www.kingsporttn.gov/city-services/customer-service/watersewer/</a></p>
<a href="">Where do I find my garbage, and yard waste pick up day?</a>
<p>To find out when your garbage, and yard waste pick up days are, please visit the homepage and click on the MY icon, the My Kingsport function. Enter your address in the search bar on the My Kingsport feature and the results will reflect information related to your residence.</p>
<a href="">What will the city not pick up for yardwaste?</a>
<p>The following items are not picked up by the City:</p><ul><li>Batteries</li><li>Paint and paint products</li><li>Butane and gas tanks</li><li>Dead animals</li><li>Hazardous liquid or materials</li><li>Infectious materials</li></ul>
<a href="">I need to report a code violation. How do I do that?</a>
<p><a href="https://www.kingsporttn.gov/city-services/code-enforcement/">https://www.kingsporttn.gov/city-services/code-enforcement/</a></p>
<a href="">How do I report traffic signal problems such as flashing signals, burned out signal bulbs or anything pertaining to a signal?</a>
<p>Please report any signal problems to Andy Hobbs at 423-224-2427 or if it’s after hours, please call central dispatch 423-246-9111.</p>
<a href="">How do I report a street light outage?</a>
<p>You can call 423-247-5483 or use the <a href="https://www.kingsporttn.gov/city-services/public-works/connectkingsport/">ConnectKingsport</a> app.</p>
<a href="">How do I report a sidewalk problem?</a>
<p>You can call 423-229-9451 or use the <a href="https://www.kingsporttn.gov/city-services/public-works/connectkingsport/">ConnectKingsport</a> app to report them online.</p>
<a href="">How do I report a pothole?</a>
<p>You can call 423-229-9451 or use the <a href="https://www.kingsporttn.gov/city-services/public-works/connectkingsport/">ConnectKingsport</a> app to report them online.</p>
<a href="">How do I report a tree problem?</a>
<p>You can call 423-229-9451 or you use the <a href="https://www.kingsporttn.gov/city-services/public-works/connectkingsport/">ConnectKingsport</a> app to report them online.</p>
<a href="">What is the free ConnectKingsport app?</a>
<p>ConnectKingsport is an application that allows City of Kingsport citizens to report non-emergency related issues to the city. ConnectKingsport can be used via the web or your mobile phone. By using ConnectKingsport, you can submit an issue and track its progress from submission to completion. In addition, you can view issues that have been submitted by other citizens and track their status.</p><p>To download the ConnectKingsport phone application, please search for it in the <a href="https://apps.apple.com/us/app/connectkingsport/id1564274092" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>App Store</u></a> or in the <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=gov.kingsporttn.seeclickfix&hl=en_US&gl=US" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>Google Play Store.</u></a></p>
<a href="">I want to apply for a business license with the city of Kingsport. How do I do that?</a>
<p><a href="https://www.kingsporttn.gov/city-services/customer-service/business-license/">https://www.kingsporttn.gov/city-services/customer-service/business-license/</a></p>
<a href="">I’m interested in bringing my business to Kingsport. Who do I contact?</a>
<p>Please contact John Rose, the City of Kingsport’s Economic Development Director, at 423-229-9319 or by <a href="mailto:jasonhudson@kingsporttn.gov">email.</a></p>
<a href="">I have a water emergency. What number do I call?</a>
<p>For water, sewer, or stormwater emergencies call 229-9416, or 246-9111 if after hours.</p>
<a href="">I have a drainage problem in my yard. Who do I call?</a>
<p>Please call the city of Kingsport Engineering department at 423-224-2727.</p>
<a href="">How do I sign up for the emergency alert system in Sullivan County?</a>
<p>When emergencies happen, be the first to know. The City of Kingsport uses an emergency alert system to send official, real-time alerts to the public with information about potentially life-saving actions they may need to take to keep themselves and their families safe. Sign up for the service here: <strong><a href="https://kingsportsullivantn.onthealert.com/Terms/Index/?ReturnUrl=%2F">https://kingsportsullivantn.onthealert.com/Terms/Index/?ReturnUrl=%2F</a></strong></p>
<a href="">How do I contact the city of Kingsport?</a>
<p>Please use the online form <strong><a href="https://www.kingsporttn.gov/government/comments-or-questions/">here</a>.</strong></p>
<a href="">Where can I view the city budget book?</a>
<p>The city’s budget book can be viewed here: <strong><a href="https://www.kingsporttn.gov/government/city-budget/">https://www.kingsporttn.gov/government/city-budget/</a></strong></p>
<a href="">I want to serve on a board or commission within the city of Kingsport. Where is the form I need fill out?</a>
<p>You can fill out the form here: <strong><a href="https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PQDD2R5">https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PQDD2R5</a></strong></p>
<a href="">I want to volunteer. How do I get involved?</a>
<p>Learn more about volunteering in Kingsport <strong><a href="https://www.volunteerkingsport.org/">here.</a></strong></p>